Speaker Bradford Goodridge

Bradford is an elementary school counselor in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He encourages students to not only become the best version of themselves, but to always be completely honest with their needs and emotions.

Be sure to follow Bradford on Instagram (@thegoodcounselor) where he posts some great ideas and resources. That’s where we found him!

Why Become a School Counselor? (#48)

Why do school counselors choose to be school counselors? Listen in as an elementary counselor, a former middle school counselor and a high school counselor share their reasons for choosing this profession focused on improving the lives of students.

Why I Became a School Counselor (#13)

Sometimes it's helpful to reconnect with our "why" -- it can keep us going when things get tough. In this week's episode, a high school counselor, elementary counselor, and former middle school counselor from different parts of the country recount the reasons why they became school counselors.