Tag holidays

School Counselor Laura Rankhorn

A Bronco Buddy Christmas Wish (#22)

School counselor Laura Rankhorn of the popular Counselor Accents podcast recounts how a handful of high school mentors brightened the holidays for their elementary student mentees.

Kaet Barron as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Counselor (#21)

What happens when a school's traditional holiday event meets with an enthusiastic elementary school counselor? Let's just say there's lots of prancing and blitzing. Listen to the whole story from former school counselor of the year Kaet Barron.

Good Things Come in Small Packages (#19)

Giving or receiving, sometimes the best gifts are the simplest. Former school counselor Bruce Bushnell shares the touching story of a surprise gift from a student he barely knew.